Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions from Rosedene Nurseries
Rosedene Day Nurseries aim to provide your child with the best of care, in a safe, friendly and secure environment. We therefore ask parents to abide by the following rules: to allow the nursery to function at its best.
To enable us to provide and maintain the highest standards of care we require all parents to be aware of, and abide by, the following conditions.
1) Children will be considered for entry to the nursery when the registration form has been completed and the contract signed and returned to Rosedene and non-refundable administration fee paid.
Welfare of the child
2) We will do all that is reasonable to safeguard and promote your child’s welfare and to provide pastoral care to at least the standard required by law and often to a much higher standard. We will respect your child’s human rights and freedoms, which must however, be balanced with the lawful needs and rules of our nursery and rights and freedoms of others.
3) Parents give their consent to such physical contact as may accord with good practice, and be appropriate and proper for teaching and instruction and for providing comfort to a child in distress, or maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the child’s health and welfare.
4) Parents of children who are not potty trained must provide disposable nappies.
5) The nursery will not provide formula milk for bottle-feeding babies. All bottles must be made up at home and clearly marked with the child’s name using indelible pen.
6) We request that your children are dressed appropriately as they will be participating in creative activities i.e. painting. With this in mind we ask that you leave a spare set of clothing in your child’s bag. Any clothes borrowed from nursery must be returned on their next visit.
Health and medical matters
7) If your child becomes ill during a nursery session a member of staff will contact the parent/carer or the emergency contact indicated on the registration form. Parents must inform the nursery immediately of any changes to these contact details.
8) If your child is suffering from a communicable illness your child should not be bought to nursery until such time as the infection has cleared, a full copy of the company’s infection control policy is available from the nursery manager. Parent/carers are asked to refer to the illness/communicable disease list supplied for your information (in the registration welcome pack) on minimum periods of exclusion from the nursery.
9) Parent/carers are required to notify the nursery setting if your child is absent from the nursery through sickness.
10) Any child who has been sent home the nursery because of ill health will not be re-admitted for at least 24 hours. If a child is prescribed antibiotics they will not be allowed to return to the nursery for 48 hours.
11) The nursery cannot administer any medicine to a child unless prescribed by a doctor. Should the child be prescribed medication, it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to notify the manager or key worker and to sign the necessary forms of consent. Should the child require liquid paracetamol during their at nursery the parent/carer must sign all relevant forms before leaving their child at nursery.
12) We reserve the right to call an ambulance in an emergency and escort your child to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. The emergency department at the hospital will then make any decisions regarding the child’s welfare.
13) It is your responsibility to inform the nursery if your child is not vaccinated in accordance with their age. If it is considered necessary, information regarding children vaccinated in nursery may be shared with other parents, however, individual names will not be given.
Food and Dietary requirements
14) We will work with parents/carers to provide suitable food for children who have a special dietary requirement as diagnosed by a doctor or dietitian, and any allergies, likes and dislikes.
15) Menus will be displayed for inspection
16) No packed lunches supplied will be heated up.
Concerns / complaints
17) Any question, concern or complaint about the care or safety of a child must be made in the first instance to the supervisor in charge. If the matter cannot be resolved at this level the matter should be referred to the nursery manager.
18) Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the nursery any known medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting the child, or any family circumstances or court order which might affect the child’s welfare or happiness, or any concerns about the child’s safely.
19) The nursery charge is for the place and not attendance.
20) All sessions must be booked in advance for the following month.
21) All fees are charged monthly in advance and must be paid by the first day of the month to which they relate.
22) Fees are payable during periods of absence from the nursery including sickness, The nursery will be closed on the annual bank holidays.
23) If a monthly bill is still outstanding on your account by the 8th of the related month your place will be suspended from the setting until full payment is received.
24) All fees are reviewed annually.
25) All additional (adhoc) sessions will need to be paid on or before the session has commenced.
26) To book any additional sessions required for your child, nursery must be informed no later than the Wednesday of the previous week. This enables us to ensure that the correct staffing ratios are maintained at all times. These will be subject to availability.
27) Once a place at the nursery has been confirmed the first month’s fees become payable to secure the place
28) One month’s written notice is required if you no longer require the place or wish to withdraw your child from nursery.
29) If claiming working tax credits, the nursery will inform Inland Revenue of start, leaving date & and any changes in attendance pattern.
30) If you register your child for set sessions and such a place is confirmed by the nursery, you will not be permitted to reduce the number of sessions attended within four weeks, as four weeks written notice is required to reduce the sessions.
31) Children may be excluded from the nursery if fees remain outstanding after the due date for payment. Fees for the booked sessions will still remain payable.
32) None payment of fees will result in your details being shared with external third parties for collection which may result in further costs.
33) Parent/carers collecting children late from the nursery will be subject to a surcharge of £15.00. Parent/carers should be aware that the nursery has to be vacated by the designated closing time.
34) If the child extends the session times they are booked in for additional hours will be added to the account according to how long the child extended the session by.
35) Interest will be charged on late payment of fees at the rate of 8% per annum.
36) The nursery undertakes to maintain those insurances required by law. Details of these are available from the nursery manager. Copies of the current employer’s liability and public liability insurance policies are displayed in the manager’s office.
37) The nursery does not accept responsibility for accidental damage or loss of property
38) The offer of a place and its acceptance by the parents gives rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of these terms and conditions.
39) Exclusively English law governs these terms and conditions
40) GDPR please see our privacy policy and notice on our website
41) In addition to these terms and conditions we would require parents to follow all our companies’ policies and procedures
42) The company reserves the right to amend and update the terms and conditions of this policy. Any changes made will be communicated through a letter to parents or through the nursery notice board.
Exclusion of non-payment
43) Children may be excluded form nursery if fees remain outstanding after the due date for payment.
Late Collection
44) Parent/carers collecting children late from the nursery will be subject to a surcharge of £5.00 per 15 minutes. Parent/carers should be aware that the nursery has to be vacated by the designated closing time.
45) The nursery does not accept responsibility for accidental damage or loss of property.
46) The nursery undertakes to maintain those insurances required by law. Details of these are available from the nursery manager. Copies of the current employer’s liability and public liability insurance policies are displayed in the manager’s office.
Child protection
47) You should be aware that the nursery occasionally takes photographs within the nursery, which may be used, in training or promotional material.
48) It is understood that the nursery is under an obligation to report to the relevant authorities any incident where we consider a child may have been abused or neglected. This may be done without informing the parent/carer.
49) Any information given by a parent regarding their child will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, except in cases where abuse towards a child is suspected. The divulging of confidential information relating to the nursery, its employees or customers to any third party is considered a breach of confidence and as such is regarded as constituting gross misconduct which could lead to summary dismissal from employment or cancellation of nursery place. Rosedene works in partnership with many other professional multi agencies and the sharing of certain information between such agencies is vital to maintain the safety and protection of the children attending Rosedene.
50) Parent/carers are welcome to visit the nursery, however we will not admit anyone without prior notification. It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure that staff is aware who will be collecting your child. No child will be allowed to leave the building with anyone, known or not known without prior notification. Children will not be allowed to leave the nursery with anyone under the age of 16 years unless written consent is provided by the parent/carer and the nursery staffs feels they are being collected by someone responsible.
51) We must ask parents not to hold open the security doors for other parents or visitors to the nursery. A member of staff must open doors only.
Data protection
52) It is a legal requirement on the nursery to hold information about children using the nursery and it’s staff. Basic information is used for registers, invoices, censors, and for emergency contacts; however, all records will be stored in a locked cabinet.
53) At Rosedene nursery we have a policies file, which is kept, in our office. If you would like to know more about our health and safety or general policies please ask a member of staff who will be pleased to show you the file.
54) The company reserves the right to amend and update the terms and conditions of this policy. Any changes made will be communicated through a letter to parents or through the nursery notice board.
Legal contract
55) The offer of a place and its acceptance by the parents gives rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of these terms and conditions.
56) Exclusively English and Scottish law governs these terms and conditions.
We are always happy to answer any queries and visits can be arranged at any time during nursery hours.